How To Remove Tonsil Stones At Home


There are many people who have asked themselves how to remove tonsil stones at home. Tonsil stones Reddit or tonsilloliths as they are more commonly called, are white or yellowish small deposits of calcareous matter that lodge in the pockets and crevices of the tonsils, causing an uncomfortable sensation and bad breath. If you scratch your tonsils or try to pull them out you can permanently damage them. The best solution to this problem is to remove them by yourself using a natural method.

This article is going to talk about some of the things that you can try at home that will help you remove those stones. Firstly, using apple cider vinegar will help to loosen the stones. You simply need to soak a cotton ball in apple cider vinegar and then apply it to the back of your throat, however, try not to rub the cotton ball into the throat itself. Also using salt water mixed with lemon juice is another way to treat your tonsils. How do you get tonsil stonesFinally, using some hydrogen peroxide mixed with some honey is also another very effective how to remove coughing up tonsil stones at-home remedy. This is a very simple home remedy that many people have found success with and has no reported side effects. These methods are cheap and effective ways to clear up any problems you may have with your tonsils, giving you a healthy feeling and ultimately a healthier mouth.


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